In honor of Mediation Week, which is on the third week of October, members of The Florida Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Section are hosting “Mediation Mixers” at various locations around the state. The purpose of these events is to provide information about ADR Section membership, and encourage networking and camaraderie among lawyers, litigators, and fellow mediators.
Help Me Help You
In the end, I think we all can agree that whether you are a lawyer, litigator, or mediator, we are all in the dispute resolution business. That simply means we all seek the same thing, a resolution to conflict. We can all help each other resolve conflict better when we view ourselves as being on the same team and not as competitors. When we all adopt a mindset of "help me to help you", we all benefit as do the litigants and the legal system as a whole.
Building Rapport and Trust
One way of helping to adjust our mindset and to get ourselves out of our respective silos is to meet, talk, and see how much we actually have in common. When we build rapport and trust, we are better equipped to undertake a joint mission for solving problems and disputes. This is certainly one goal for the upcoming "Mediation Mixers".
Miami Mediation Social Mixer
I am helping to organize the Miami Mediation Mixer. I hope you will join us at the Miami event on October 20th from 5:30–8:30 PM, at American Social –Brickell, 690 SW 1st Ct., located right on the Miami River.
We’ll have complimentary appetizers and a cash bar, and valet parking is available onsite. Special thanks to our sponsors and hosts, Steven Chaneles and Salmon & Dulberg Dispute Resolution.
Space is limited, so please RSVP in advance by emailing me at
We hope to see you there.

Patrick Russell
Miami Florida Mediator
Meaningful Mediation is Ethical, Mindful, and Strategic